







作者 / [阿根廷] 阿莱简德拉·皮扎尼克
翻译 / 光诸

Sex, Night

Once again, someone falls in their first falling–fall of two bodies, of two eyes, of four green eyes or eight green eyes if we count those born in the mirror (at midnight, in the purest fear, in the loss), you haven’t been able to recognize the voice of your dull silence, to see the earthly messages scrawled in the middle of one mad state, when the body is a glass and from ourselves and from the other we drink some kind of impossible water.

Desire needlessly spills on me a cursed liqueur. For my thirsty thirst, what can the promise of eyes do? I speak of something not in this world. I speak of someone whose purpose is elsewhere.

And I was naked in memory of the white night. Drunk and I made love all night, just like a sick dog.

Sometimes we suffer too much reality in the space of a single night. We get undressed, we’re horrified. We’re aware the mirror sounds like a watch, the mirror from which your cry will pour out, your laceration.

Night opens itself only once. It’s enough. You see. You’ve seen. Fear of being two in the mirror, and suddenly we’re four. We cry, we moan, my fear, my joy more horrible than my fear, my visceral words, my words are keys that lock me into a mirror, with you, but ever alone. And I am well aware what night is made of. We’ve fallen so completely into jaws that didn’t expect this sacrifice, this condemnation of my eyes which have seen. I speak of a discovery: felt the I in sex, sex in the I. I speak of burying everyday fear to secure the fear of an instant. The purest loss. But who’ll say: you don’t cry anymore at night? Because madness is also a lie. Like night. Like death.



这首诗有一个有趣的细节,就是男女主人公在交欢的时候有镜子的参与。关于镜子和性的关系古今中外都有很多探讨,最新的理论是迈克尔·阿伦(Michael Aaron)博士支持的(自我性唤起)(autosexuals)理论,这种理论认为,有时人们的自我影像比他人的影像更能激发性欲。不过我更倾向于更简单的解释。人在生活中曾经在影像作品中看到过很多性爱的场面,因此而性唤起,在镜子里看到了自己的图像,和之前因为他人图像产生的性唤起产生了叠加效应。当然,用拉康创造的半魔法,半数学的语言可以很好地解释这位事,智力够高的同学可以试着挑战一下。



荐诗 / 光诸(微信号:ghostinthezoo)



题图 / Nan Goldin
