


作者 / [美国] 娜塔丽·韩德尔
翻译 / 光诸

The Act of Counting

Death is careless at times. It confuses love with a wet afternoon in an empty room.  The  unpainted walls a reminder of how sex can resemble poverty.  A hollow  cry.   An open mouth falling inside as you sleep.   I prepare  my heart and language with better words,  like worlds in small selves  I’ve built.  Every month,  one dollar buys me one brick.  But  how many bricks  does  it  take to build a house?  A stray dog barks late at night.  I can’t  see him  but know he’s there.   He   reminds   me   that  here,  dreams  have  dangerous  turns.  I  turn around  to  no  one  naked  beside  me. I  play  it  safe  not to see the fire in my hands.  But let us be clear:  I’m no beggar.  It’s  just that there are times  when the  world  is  a  sound  that  cripples  the air,  and the soul. When what seems arranged — glazing and  strange,  like  music  played on tin cans — turns  into wilting  noise.  When  suddenly,  all  that  exists  is  a small boy trying to focus on the pain lifting a nation.  A telephone call:  He was wearing black shoes, a Calvin  Klein  T-shirt  that he  found in a hotel trash, brown slacks.  She  was wearing  one  earring  on her right ear,  one sock on her left foot, a dress the color  of sky.  She  bought him  a canne à sucre.  He pulled her close, said, Ti cherie.   And  after  they  promised  to meet  later,   she  winked  and  walked leisurely in the shade. A tremble followed. When he turned around, her body was one of a thousand on the streets. He ran towards her, stood by her arm, unable to see her face. The call drops. I begin to count the ways I tolerate my dry mouth. To count the glasses of water I gave away to make up for my sins. But this act does not count when we fall out of our hearts.

Nathalie Handal



说实在的,开始翻译这首诗的时候,我并不懂它的每一句话说了些什么,读了几遍才能够从整体上把握它。本诗的作者娜塔丽·韩德尔于1969年出生在海地的一个说法语的巴勒斯坦裔家庭,后来在欧洲、阿拉伯地区、美国和拉美都生活过。她表示自己没有家乡,也没有母语,无论是英语、法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语还是海地语都会随时从嘴里冒出来。或许正是她的诗具有强烈“拼贴感”的原因。批评家Catherine Fletcher曾经如是写道:“她的诗会极具风格感地在浪漫主义浸染的叙事和轻微的超现实主义之间转换,同时具有五光十色的碎片感。在她的所有诗作中,经常会把写作对象解构,就像把一座房屋拆解成各种部件:门、墙和窗户。”

《徒劳的算数》正是典型的“韩德尔”风格。它大概地写出了一对男女的不伦之恋的细节,以及它给他们带来的心理感受。这首诗里写出了很多贴近又感人的细节。我们从诗中可以看出主人公在经济上相当不富裕,但在力所能及地范围内创造出浪漫的气氛,原诗中的一句“She  bought him  a canne à sucre / He pulled her close, said, Ti cherie”,女的给男的带来一段甘蔗做小食品,男的叫女的“小甜心”,本来是很可怜的礼物和很俚俗的称呼,用法语说出却带有了一种俏皮的“贵族感”,那种萧条中的浪漫很难不打动人心。而诗中颠三倒四的“立体派”写法又写出了红尘颠倒中的痴迷和无奈。题目中的“Counting”这个词特别耐人寻味,它在英文中既有“数数儿”的意思,又当“指望”讲,这和中文中的“算数儿”这个词的两种意义不谋而合。当人在心中计数他或她的美好或堕落,抚慰或伤害的时候,总是会感到这种计数的行为既是重要的,同时又不能指望它带来任何实际的福祉。

荐诗 / 光猪

